Monday, July 27, 2015

Faith is challenged.Fact !!

As a christrian there is nothing to feel convicted or ashaimed about when your faith waivers or a conflict arizes in your beliefs. The so called rational mind has a hard time grasping on to what it can not get solid proof of or something it cannot openly see or hold.
In my case I have said over and over again that I will be content that God 's Will, will be done and whatever this end result may be , to take me home or let me stay, will be for the greater good and I will faithfully accept it . But for the time he does grant me here,  (be it 2 months  or 50 years ) My children will see my love for  JESUS CHRIST,  unwaivering for whatever that time left is.

Mark 9:24
When a man approached Jesus to heal his son  and was asked if he believed . His reply was " I do believe. But help me in my disbelief.." Jesus saw great faith in this man.
Lapses in our faith is not only common but I believe expected.
Jesus acknowledges this.
A rational mind must at least question the unseen. Jesus  did not tell the people of his gifts he showed them. Faith is a tough journey with many final destinations. His only comand to us to be unwaivering in the facts that we love Him, he loves us and we accept Him for who he is "His Fathers Son."
The diverse paths that we move on to through life after that will be filled many Questions leading us to wind up on our own individual paths some similar some very different .
I recently  was given news that my cancer had moved to my brain , not the end but far from good news.. When I was able to get more clarification the neurosurgeon used the description  very very very small when describing the tumor within my brain. Those words placed a smile on my face from ear to ear. I was not thinking I was going to survive because of the news. The smile was that there was news that I could have recieved that I didn't have much time left at all. That news would have been game over news as far as the clinical trial I was counting on and have already been accepted in. The smile was for the news for which I did not get.
I choose to be happy with the life I have left. This is what I will try to have my Wife and children witness till my last day.
Challenges to one's faith will happen throughout one's lifetime and is especially inevitable during times of extreme  adversity. At these times call to Our God the Loudest. He will answere.

This is a Re-edit , Republish.
Friendly Advice. Don't  Blog Heavily Medicated from Hospital Room.

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